Handmade Zapotec Rugs and Mexican Southwest Décor

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Estab­lished in 1974 as La Uni­ca Cosa, Starr Inte­ri­ors is the source for the finest Zapotec Indi­an 100% wool, hand loomed con­tem­po­rary, trib­al and south­west rugs, wall hang­ings and pillows.

Starr Inte­ri­ors’ own design­er col­lec­tion, Line of the Spir­it™, has been fea­tured in Archi­tec­tur­al Digest and many oth­er fine design and home décor magazines.

Susanna Starr’s New Book

Learn more about our rela­tion­ship with the Zapotec weavers from Susan­na Starr’s new book — avail­able now through Starr Interiors.

Mexico Vacation Rental

If you are look­ing for a place to “get away from it all,” check out our beau­ti­ful vaca­tion rental, Casa Estrel­la de Bacalar, on pris­tine Lagu­na Bacalar, Mex­i­co’s Lake of Sev­en Colors.